Saturday, February 26, 2005

more pictures..


Anonymous said...

Hello /^\ Pharaoh /^\
And G'day from Downunder. I was hunting around the web for stuff on how to cook asparagus when I came across this post. It's just amazing what these searches turn up. I'm not sure I'm finding what I need, but I'm having a lot of fun. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Crikey! One minute I'm searching the web for things on how to cook salmon, and the next I'm reading this post. I'm not sure that's exactlly what I had in mind, /^\ Pharaoh /^\, but I've enjoyed my visit. Now I'm off to try another search on how to cook salmon.

Anonymous said...

Hi /^\ Pharaoh /^\
Look, I hope you don't mind, but I found your blog using how to cook lobster as a search term. I'm trying to find original articles and recipes for my cooking websites.

I can and do use the article directories, but much of the stuff in them is hardly original and gets widely used. I'm hoping to persuade people like you, who have an interest in cooking, to contribute as well. I use a wide variety of articles and styles - just so long as it's food orientated - and I think the kind of things you write about in this post would be very popular :0)

The quid pro quo is a link back to your blog - or website if you have one. If this doesn't interest you, please forgive the intrusion. If it does, I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes
Michael Sheridan

Anonymous said...

Crikey! One minute I'm searching the web for things on chicken, and the next I'm reading this post. I'm not sure that's exactlly what I had in mind, /^\ Pharaoh /^\, but I've enjoyed my visit. Now I'm off to try another search on chicken.